CF Genetic Analysis Consortium NEWSLETTER #63- Sept 20, 1994                          

1. Summary of CF mutations:

Name           Nucleotide      Exon       Consequence           Reference                         
2347delG       deletion of G   13         frameshift            Bienvenu T, Cazeneuve C, Kaplan   
               at 2347                                          JC, Beldjord C (June 7)           
D985Y          G->T at 3085    16         Asp->Tyr at 985       Bienvenu T et al. (June 7)        
1150delA       deletion of A   7          frameshift            Prior T, Stein J, Highsmith E     
               at 1150                                          (June 10)                         
G1127E         G->A at 3512    17b        Gly->Glu at 1127      Bienvenu T, Cazeneuve C,          
                                                                Tcherkoff L, Kaplan JC,           
                                                                Beldjord C (June 22)              
G1061R         G->A at 3313    17b        Gly->Arg at 1061      Bienvenu T et al. (June 22)       
S50Y           C->A at 281     2          Ser->Tyr at 50        Zielenski J, Markiewicz D, Tsui   
                                          (CBAVD)               L-C (June 21)                     
S466X1         C->A at 1529    10         Ser->Stop at 466      Leymarie P, Mittre H (June 24)    
875+1G->A      G->A at 875+1   intron 6a  splice mutation       Duarte A, Barreto C, Lavinha J    
                                                                (June 25)                         
3272-4A->G     A->G at 3272-4  intron     splice mutation?      Kanvakis M (July 13)              
296+2T->C      T->C at 296     intron 2   splice mutation       Ferec C, Quere I, Verlingue C,    
                                                                Raguenes O, Audrezet M-P,         
                                                                Mercier B (July 19)               
211delG        deletion of G   2          frameshift            Ferec C et al. (July 19)          
               at 211                                                                             
A1006E         C->A at 3149    17a        Ala->Glu at 1006      Novelli G, Sanguiolo F,           
                                                                Dallapicoola B, Ferec C, Quere    
                                                                I, Augrezet M-P, Mercier B        
                                                                (July 19)                         
S42F           C->T at 257     2          Ser->Phe at 42        Novelli G et al. (July 19)        
3121-2A->T     A->T at 3121    intron 16  splice mutation       Novelli G, Sanguiolo F,           
                                                                Dallapicoola B, Ferec C, Quere    
                                                                I, Augrezet M-P, Mercier B        
                                                                (July 22)                         
1460delAT      deletion of     9          frameshift            Bienvenu T, Tcherkoff L,          
               AT from 1460                                     Cazeneuve C, Beldjord C (July     
D579Y          G->T at 1867    12         Asp->Tyr at 579       Harris K, Haworth A, Malone G,    
                                                                Schwarz M (July 28)               
359insT        insertion of    3          frameshift            Calustres M, Desgeorges M,        
               T after 359                                      Romey M-C (July 28)               
1504delG       deletion of G   9          frameshift            Mackova A, Macek MJr, Cutting     
               at 1504                                          GR (Aug 10)                       
S489X          C->A at 1598    10         Ser->Stop at 489      Macdonald K, Haworth A, Malone    
                                                                G, Schwarz M (Aug 15)             
V920M          G->A at 2890    15         Val->Met at 920       Bienvenu T, Cazeneuve C, Kaplan   
                                                                J-C, Beldjord C (Sept 2)          
2790-1G->T     G->T at 2790-1  intron     splice mutation       Bienvenu T et al. (Sept 2)        
L732X          T->G at 2327    13         Leu->Stop at 732      Malone G, Haworth A, Schwarz M    
                                                                (Sept 5)                          
3272-54del704  deletion of     17b        deletion of exon      Ferrari M, Magnani C, Cremonesi   
               704 bp from                17b                   L, Magnaghi P, Taramelli R        
               3272-54                                          (Sept 6)                          
T665S          A->T at 2125    13         Thr->Ser at 665       Ferec C, Mercier B, Verlingue C   
                                                                (Sept 6)                          
V322A          T->C at 1097    7          Val->Ala at 322       Ferec C, Quere I, Verlingue C,    
                                          (mutation?)           Raguenes O, Audrezet M-P,         
                                                                Mercier B (Sept 7)                
4015delA       deletion of A   21         frameshift         F  Ferec C, Quere I, Verlingue C,    
               at 4015                                          Raguenes O, Audrezet M-P,         
                                                                Mercier B (Sept 16)               
2766del8       deletion of 8   14b        frameshift            Ferec C, Quere I, Audrezet M-P,   
               bp from 2766                                     Verlingue C, Mercier B (Sept 19)  
2789+3delG     deletion of G   intron     splice mutation       Macek MJr, Mackova A, Cutting     
               at 2789+3       14b                              GR (Sept 19)                      

2. DNA sequence polymorphisms/variations in the coding region

Nucleotide position   Amino acid change          Exon    Reference                  
2209T/C               Phe or Leu at 693          13      Ferec C, Quere I,          
                                                         Verlingue C, Raguenes O,   
                                                         Audrezet M-P, Mercier B    
                                                         (Sept 16)                  

3. Dicky Halley raised the question about R75Q (see her letter of August 28). Anyone who is interested in sharing some insight on this subject, please write to Dicky and copy to me. Use e-mail if possible.

4. The consortium report will appear soon: The Cystic Fibrosis Analysis Consortium (1994). Population variation of common CF mutations. Human Mutation 4: 167-177. Anyone who is interested in receiving information from Wiley

5. Consortium meeting in Montreal: A short meeting is tentatively scheduled on Wednesday, October 19, immediately after Garry Cutting's symposium, entitled "What happens after cloning a gene: CFTR as an example". It is probably the most logical time to have the meeting. We need to discuss: (a) continuation of the Consortium; (b) format of reports and newsletter; (c) Steering committee; (d) electronic database; (e) future plans. Unfortunately, I do not plan to go to Orlando.

6. Please use e-mail for communication as much as possible. My address is

Best wishes,

Lap-Chee Tsui