Mutation Details for c.940G>C
cDNA Name
Protein Name
Exon or Intron
exon 8
Legacy Exon or Intron
exon 7
Other Details
This mutation was detected by chemical mismatch and sequencing. The mutation is a G to C change at nucleotide 1072. This results in a glycine to arginine substitution at amino acid 314 (G314R). It is in exon 7 and it eliminates a DdeI restriction site.
This mutation was found in a patient with an American Indian/Caucasian mother and Dutch/French father. This patient has a [delta]F508 mutation on the other chromosomes and is pancreatic insufficient. This mutation was not found in 25 normal chromosomes and 25 CF chromosomes.
Nasr S,
Strong T,
Smit L,
Collins F
University of Michigan
Ann Arbor MI, USA
Submitted Phenotype Details
Nasr et al. (NL#56)
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