Mutation Details for c.52A>G
cDNA Name
Protein Name
Exon or Intron
exon 1
Legacy Exon or Intron
exon 1
Other Details
The mutation was detected by DGGE analysis and characterised by direct sequencing.
We have seen it only twice, in over 4000 non-[delta]F508 chromosomes screened.
Picci L., Cameran M., Marangon O., Marzenta D., Scarpa M.
Lab. Genetica Molecolare Dip Pediatria, Padova,Italy
Submitted Phenotype Details
Patient a:
This individual (M) from from Southern Italy is 30y and is NOT a CF patient, his wife is deltaF508/ N. No other mutation was found.
Patient b:
The mutation was found in a North Italian (male) diagnosed at 5 years, having sweat chloride 47 mmol/l and with no respiratory symptoms , the pancreatic status (sufficient/nonsufficient) is unknown. He carries 125 g/c on the other allele.
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