Mutation Details for c.2657+3delG

cDNA Name c.2657+3delG 
Exon or Intron intron 16 
Legacy Exon or Intron intron 14b 
Legacy Name 2789+3delG 
Other Details The 2789 + 3 delG mutation was detected in an African-American male CF patient. We presume that the deletion of a G at the + 3 position is disease producing since it disrupts the consensus splice donor sequence. The other CF allele is the [delta]F508 mutation. The patient has a typical course of CF with sweat chloride concentration of 56 mM. No other clinical information is available to us. 
Contributors Macek MJr, Mackova A, Cutting GR   1994-10-19
Institute Center for Medical Genetics Baltimore, MD, USA 
Submitted Phenotype Details The patient has a typical course of CF with sweat chloride concentration of 56 mM. No other clinical information is available to us.The other CF allele is the [delta]F508. (pers. corr. Macek) 
Reference Macek et al. (NL#63) 

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The Database was last updated at Apr 25, 2011